Honduran people are friendly and resilient, making their livelihood however they can. Growing food in the pueblos and then selling it off the back of trucks is common as well as resale of cheap products. Car detail shops, water delivery, and food vendors are also common services.
Hondurans are creative in their livelihood.Tropical trees grow in small yards in front of homes. Here a woman makes a living selling them out her front wall.Tropical fruit for sale. Papayas, guavas, mangoes, limes, and avocados grow well.‘Pan de casa’ (homemade baking) is a team effort: the wife bakes breads and sweet muffins every morning that the husband then sells from the same spot every day on the street.Car wash services in Tegucigalpa are common and are always busy.Selling grilled corn, bags of cut fruit, freshly made corn tortillas, and horchata (rice milk) at El Picacho park.Weekly water delivery is a common service in Tegucigalpa.