Fruit in Honduras is a central part of the local diet and livelihood. Almond, mango, papaya, and banana trees grow throughout the city of Tegucigalpa and strawberries grow in abundance nearby and particularly in the rural town of Esperanza. Moras (blackberries) make their appearance twice each year, with its primary season in May and a smaller crop in October. Melons, all types– galia, honeydew, cantaloupe, canary, watermelon– grow well all year. Mangoes come in many varieties and are incredibly sweet and juicy.
Mangoes are so sweet and delicious in Honduras. Many varieties are available.Honduras grows several types of bananas, including the red caribe and mini datiles.Bananas are sold in abundance. Bunches are sold daily at the market near El Estadio, the national stadium.Vendors sell fruit off the side of the road.Fresh coconut is found everywhere. Sip the refreshing, slightly sweet coconut water.Fresh coconut is hacked open and sold for its sweet coconut water and inner white meat.Freshly shaved coconut is delicious.Kelsi holding yucca, a starchy root vegetable, often sliced thin and fried.Liquadas are refreshing juices made of pureed fruit, water, and sugar. Pick from coconut, banana, watermelon, nancy (tart yellow berries), kiwi, strawberry, blackberry, pineapple, passion fruit… what would you like?